Wednesday 19 November 2014

Spritual Warfare

Photo Credit:Google

I think too many people make strongholds out to be a complex subject. Strongholds are merely incorrect thinking patterns. They are patterns in our minds that are programmed to think contrary to the truth.
For example, a common scenario is where a person feels dirty, guilty and is shameful of their past. They are so used to thinking about their past, that it's driven the person to think and feel like a failure! They feel unworthy to have a close intimate relationship with God, which greatly affects their spiritual strength, faith, and relationship with Him. No wonder Satan tries to build such strongholds in our minds!
So how does Satan build these strongholds?
He starts by reminding us of our past failures and sins. He brings up things that we ought not to be

WordForce Prayer Convocation 2014!!!

My dear people of Sokgidi, WordForce Prayer Convocation is here again!!!
Una know as e dey always be, come and be filled with the word of God and pray your way out.
Theme: Bringing The Age To It's Close
Venue: 2nd Ecwa, J-Allen, Sokoto State.
Time: *6:00am *9:30am *4:30pm

It Is Time!
It Is Now!
Don't Miss Out!!!

Tuesday 18 November 2014

HOREMOW Abuja, Will You Be There???

 You are all invited to this wonderful interesting conference, surely you shall be richly blessed.
Theme: Promoting Love & Holiness Among The Body Of Christ
Venue: Holiness Revival Movement Camp Ground, Kwali, FCT Abuja.
Date: 9th-12th December, 2014.
Commencement: 3:00 Dec. 9th 2014
Clossing 9:30pm Dec. 12th.

Heh!Heh!Heh! This is not a church, it is a ministry that comprises of Christians from different denomination gathering together for the love of Christ. So, whatever your denomination is YOU ARE HIGHLY WELCOME!!! **winkz**

I shall be there God's willingly,.
You don't wanna miss it, will you???

Avoiding A Bad Marriage

Photo Credit: Google

After salvation, the most important choice you will need to make is who to marry. This choice is so important that if you miss it, you will suffer for long, if you get it right then you will enjoy forever. A bad marriage can affect every other area of your life.
This subject is so important, so many married people are hoping to be single again so as to make the right choice. If you are single please don't just be in a hurry to get married, you have the best opportunity to prepare for it.
For two people to come together to live in peace and harmony, they must agree spiritually, mentally and

Thursday 13 November 2014

When Death Comes Calling...

Someday probably sooner than I expected, my wall will be filled with writing by different people, they will say how they miss me, how I was a very good girl, surely no one writes how bad a person is when they are gone. Some will even go to my wall to write "Ah! Stella please wake up". Some "So Ella is gone", some "Ify why do you have to go?". Ndidi/Ugomma will probably say Ella the Enchanted.... God whyyy...? Some, "RIP my dear friend/sister" etc. Some will even go as far as going to my picture profile to download my picture to later upload with the caption "R.I.P My dear friend" ‪#‎Smiling#‬ but I will be long gone and won't be able to see them, I won't know how bad or good I have been to people. I might even be on way to

Thursday 6 November 2014

What You Need Is...

If you want to make a real and lasting change in your life, you need to get to know Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God. we're not talking about religion, which is the practice of a particular system or denomination.
True Christianity is more than religion. It's a relationship with the One who said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:16); and, "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved" (John 10:9). You need a relationship with

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Do You Have A Faithful Friend?

There was a farmer who had a very useful dog. But when the dog grew old, his ungrateful master decided to get rid of him by drowning.
          He took the dog to a river near his farm and rowed the dog to the middle of it. He tied a heavy stone to the dog’s neck with an old rope. When they reached the deepest part of the river, he threw the dog into the water. The poor dog sank until the rope broke. Then he came right back up with a whine, and swam to the boat, but each time he tried to climb in, his cruel master pushed him off with an oar. At last the heartless farmer stood up and lifted the oar over his

Monday 3 November 2014

The End Is Near!!!

          Yea friends, the end is closer than we imagine, ever had a dream about rapture??? For me I have had  dream on rapture on more than 3 different occasions and Oh my God! They are sooo... scary. If you've not had one you won't understand.  
          We know Jesus will come someday like a thief but how prepared are we? This is a dream shared by someone, in my own words this is not just a dream but God telling us to be prepared that

Saturday 1 November 2014

Happy New Month Fabulous People!!!

        Dearest Lord,
      November is here, the people reading this are special to me but more special to YOU.
Bless them, make them great, what they were not able to accomplish last month, may them accomplish it easily this month and bless them in triple proportion.
I don't know all the challenges my friends have, but you know everything. I hear thier silence, YOU hear thier prayers. I see thier laughter, YOU see their tears. I see when