Sunday, 26 October 2014

Did You Smile Today???

*smilyn* Hello fabulous people, did you smile today? was your smile as beautiful and sweet like that of my little Princess Kamara? *Nodz_Head* I don't think so. *Winkz*
 How was mass/service today? Fantastic, right? Hope you weren't late to church? *sighs* I am guilty of that, didn't even stay till the end, flimsy excuse that would have been avoided. *Sad_Face* That'z bad of me, I know. *Looks_Up_2_God* Please Father, forgive me. *smilez* I know he has!!!
How was Sunday rice? No one volunteered to give me a spoon. That's bad Ooo! would have made do with some plate though. *winkz* Ok! that's that!
*Scratches_Hair* What did I learn in Church today??? Ok...
Remember I didn't stay till the end. So? I will give you a bit of what I learnt. We all know we have different types of will, Permissive will of God, Perfect will of God etc.
So? what is the difference between permissive will of God and perfect will of God? Well, in
my own definition permissive will of God is when we've already made up our mind about something before going to God to ask him to grant our heart desire, when God grants it then is a permissive will because we did not really care to know if the options we choose are the best for us while the perfect will of God is when we go to God with our heart blank and accepts whatever God wills for us. I will give you a typical example.
Let's say for example I have different suitors coming for my hand in marriage, I have already made up mind to marry suitor A, so I disturb God with too much prayer for it to come and it does. That's a permissive will of God, yea God can allow that though that was not his plan for me but If I go to God in prayer  and accept whoever he knows is the best for me that's the perfect will of God. Sure our God perfect na!
Sometimes decisions we take before going to God in prayer could be the perfect will of God for us but not in all circumstance, we have to be very careful!
This is a story of someone I know, She has several suitors coming for her hand in marriage and she went to God in prayers, God answered her in clear language, this one na real answer no be koro-koro Ooo but...  *Smilez* The one God approved of is the least she expected. Sure she was not happy about that and it got to a point she wanted to go against God's will and marry someone else because she felt he is the best for her. Luckily for her, she used her tongue to count her teeth and went for God's perfect will for her, not long after the one she thought was okay by her died. She would have been a widow at an early age but thanks to God, She is happily married with God's perfect will for her. You see, God sees into the future and knows the best for us.
The perfect will of God is the best will of God because he alone knows us more than we know our selves,  He knows every human thought, He sees into the future and can tell what will happen in millions of years to come.
What ya think???


  1. **waves** Okay now I am smiling...hehe...Experience has taught me to always go with God's will for me....Sometime when I want something in a certain way....I take it to God and then I add this at the end of my prayers 'God if giving me this thing will not bring glory to your name - Please don't let it come to me and let your will be done'.....and I am sure you know he answers prayers.......How you doing mami


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