Tuesday, 29 November 2016

My Natural Hair Journey

Natural Hair : Front View

I stopped using chemicals on my

Relaxed Hair : 2012
I had stunted hair, bad hair texture and
etc. It’s either transitioning from relaxed to natural didn’t work for me or I didn’t get the right procedure. So? I had to cut my hair to start afresh. I’m glad I did. But babe, It wasn’t easy for me Ooo... I remember how my friends made fun of my
hair, “Ella, this your hair be like where rat chop” etc. They would say. Lol!!! And yes! That was true because I gave my neighbor a scissor and asked him to scrape the hair, didn’t have a personal clipper so why go to a barbers shop? *winks*
Too bad I did not have a picture of that.

My hair is black, soft and has an amazing length for a 3 year old. I know I’m somehow lazy when it comes to hair. A friend will say “Stella, you get fine hair why you no dey bla la bla...” In my mind I will say, really? Wow! So, the rat chopping kinda hair has grown to be admired. Ekenedilichukwu. (Glory to God)

My dear, it doesn’t take much to take care of your natural hair, yes! I said so. If you have the money you can go for those natural hair product, If not make ori (shea butter) your friend. I started using Cantu products September 2016 but hey! I use my ori more. Just know the right way to use it by creating a hair regime that works for your hair.
Natural Hair : Center View

Natural Hair : Back View

What ya say???

I know I’m still a novice when it comes to this but then, I will get there someday, why not join me?
I will be sharing my hair regime, tips and progress from time to time.

Is your hair natural? Drop a comment or you can contact me if you want to share your tips with my readers. I will be glad to hear from you.


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