Friday, 2 December 2016

Harmony Of The Gospels

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Certain events in Jesus' life and ministry can be found in more than one of the Gospels. The chart below lists those events in chronological order and where they can be found in Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John.
I guess this makes searching through certain topics of the Bible in the New Testament for you easy.

Jesus' genealogy

Jesus' birth

Ministry of John the Baptist
Jesus baptized by John
The temptation of Jesus

John the Baptist imprisoned

Jesus moves to Galilee

Jesus begins to call his disciples

Jesus heals people at sunset

Jesus preaches in synagogues

Jesus heals a leper

Jesus cures a paralyzed man

Matthew called as a disciple

Disciples pick grain on the Sabbath

A man healed on the Sabbath

Many look to Jesus for healing

Jesus selects his apostles

Sermon on the Mount

Jesus heals a Centurion's servant

John's followers question Jesus

Jesus heals a man possessed of demons

Pharisees rebuked by Jesus

Jesus' family seeks him

Parables by the sea

Great storm on the sea

Legion of demons cast out of a man

A woman is healed by touching Jesus

Jesus raises Jairus' dead daughter

Jesus rejected in Nazareth

Apostles commissioned to preach

Jesus teaches and heals a multitude
Jesus feeds the 5,000
Jesus walks on water

A gentile woman's faith

Jesus feeds the 4,000

The Transfiguration

A demon is cast out of a boy

Jesus tells of his death

The disciples argue who is the greatest

The Pharisees ask Jesus about divorce

Jesus blesses the little children

Jesus advises the rich man

Jesus predicts his death

Blind men in Jericho are healed

Jesus goes to Jerusalem

Triumphal entry into Jerusalem
Cleansing the temple

Jewish leaders plan to kill Jesus

The withered fig tree

Jesus' authority challenged

Parable of the vine growers

Jesus questioned about taxes

Sadducees test Jesus on the resurrection

Religious leaders test Jesus

The widow's coin

Jesus predicts the temple's destruction

Jesus warns his disciples of persecution

Jesus predicts the fall of Jerusalem

Jesus teaches about his second coming

Parable of the fig tree

Judas plans to betray Jesus

The fellowship in the upper room

The Lord's Supper

Jesus predicts his betrayal
Jesus predicts Peter's denials
They enter the Garden of Gethsemane
A mob comes to arrest Jesus

Judas betrays Jesus

Peter cuts off the ear of the priest's servant
Jesus is arrested
Jesus is taken to the high priest
Peter's denial
False witnesses testify against Jesus

The high priest condemns Jesus

Pilate questions Jesus

Pilate releases Barabbas instead of Jesus
The soldiers mock Jesus

A man bears Jesus' cross

Jesus is brought to Golgotha
Soldiers offer Jesus sour wine mix

Thieves crucified with Jesus
Pilate's sign
Soldiers divide Jesus' clothes
The multitude mocks Jesus

Darkness over the land

Vinegar is offered Jesus

Jesus dies
Joseph requests Jesus' body from Pilate
Jesus' body placed in the tomb
Women come at dawn to the tomb
Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene

Jesus on the road to Emmaus

Doubting Thomas

Jesus delivers the commission

Jesus ascends to Heaven

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